
Since moving to Dorset last year internet connectivity has been the bane of my existence. Currently, I have an ADSL connection provided by my old employer Zen and a 5G connection provided by Three. These are both plumbed into my Watchguard Firewall with multi-wan configured. Most of the time the Continue Reading

AWS Lightsail

AWS Lightsail I have been running this blog on top of some of my Infrastructure at home but the performance ( due to my connection) has never been stunning. So I decided to move it over to an AWS Lightsail instance to investigate more about the newer VPS service from Continue Reading


Cloudflare – What is it and why would I care? I have been using Cloudflare for a long time.  It is one of my go-to services and I use it to protect all of the public services I run for myself and other sites/ organizations. The basic premise of what Continue Reading