
Since moving to Dorset last year internet connectivity has been the bane of my existence. Currently, I have an ADSL connection provided by my old employer Zen and a 5G connection provided by Three. These are both plumbed into my Watchguard Firewall with multi-wan configured. Most of the time the Continue Reading

Lab Update – Part 3 Network

I have retired the Watchguard Devices with the migration to PFSense running bare-metal in one of the Supermicro Nodes. I will likely virtualise this in the future. In terms of network/switching I have moved to an intermediate step here vMotion and Storage are running over DAC’s while VMware management and Continue Reading

Lab Storage

Lab Storage Update. Since starting my new role with Xtravirt my Homelab has gone through several fairly significant changes.  At the moment it’s very much focused on the VMware stack and one of the things I needed was some more storage and especially some more storage performance.  With that in mind, Continue Reading